From now on in Maryland, it's Doctor's Choice. Doctor consults will be required for ambulance teams to decide on flying some accident victims with non-traumatic injuries. This because in the accident listed below, the victim survived the initial car crash but -along with the emergency crew-not the air ambulance ride. Maryland has been criticized for using expensive and potentially dangerous helicopters when a ground ambulance would do. Across the US, there have been eight fatal crashes in the past 12 month period.
What: American Eurocopter Dauphin II
Where: Helicopter left its hanger at Andrews Air Force Base. suburban Washington park in a wooded area of Walker Mill Regional Park off of Ritchie Road.
When: Sunday
Who: Killed in the crash besides Bunker were Trooper First Class Mickey Lippy, EMT-B Tonya Mallard of the Waldorf Volunteer Fire Department and Ashley Younger, a 17-year-old who was the second victim from the Waldorf car accident.
Why: The helicopter was transporting car crash victims to the hospital. One eighteen year old crash victim survived both the car crash and the helicopter crash, and was transported to the hospital in critical condition.
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