A Note to Our Readers

Dear Readers,
We make a special effort here to record the facts as we receive them. At times, there may be error but we do try to use our best judgement at the time of posting, and will be glad to amend any details which are proved incorrect. Furthermore, even though we do not here discuss the human cost, we realize that losing anyone in an air accident is insurmountable tragedy to individuals, families and communities. We do extend our heartfelt sympathy to those whose loss we record here. "...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for..." us all.
Meditation XVII - (with apologies to) John Donne


Evacuation Ordered after Helicopter Crash

Evacuation was ordered for those living near the radio tower that was involved in the Air Angels helicopter crash in Aurora Illinois, 42 miles outside of Chicago, specifically those living in the Amli and Oakhurst North apartments and homes on Riverstone Drive and Riverstone Court. The crash site is the Night Heron Marsh – part of the DuPage County Forest Preserve – at the intersection of Eola Road and Waterstone Drive on the Aurora's far east side. The helicopter clipped a guy wire connected to a 750-foot tall WBIG radio antennae tower on the west side of Eola Road. Structural damage to the tower is being investigated. The top of the tower has been removed. Ironically, a helicopter was involved in the remediation procedures.

Read More about the Medical Evacuation Crash

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