Transcription of the Recording of Voice, Flight 518
Transcription of the recording of voice of flight 518 published by Wendy Morelos in the “Change of Century”, 28/07/08.
Please bear in mind this was a mechanical translantion, but you can get the drift.
COPILOT: Merida tower good afternoon. Santa Barbara 518 I ask for ignition and proposed flight to Maiquetía tower 518.
IT GOADS: 518, to the closing of doors. Approved ignition. 1018 altimeter. I have been informing V-190 to him into the Avior company CONTROL for 2 minutes control. For 2 minutes. Vertical the Lagunillas station
COPILOT: in account with the companions of Avior. He comes via lagunillas QNH 1018. Approved ignition. Closing of doors and me to roll to 24 track Santa Barbara 518.
CAPTAIN TO COPILOT: if it is possible, to maintain incline of concrete!
COPILOT: Barbarian Merida 518 asks for 180 turning to maintenance by the incline.
CAPTAIN TO COPILOT: if it is possible, to maintain incline of concrete
COPILOT TO TOWER: if it is possible incline of concrete
TOWER: in order to give him to running stand immediately by and with the position of Avior.
TOWER TO AVIOR: Avior 1116 Merida position
AVIOR: We have 8 miles outside, I confirm 8 miles of lagunillas. Through 110 for 9 thousand feet deletion mark exit to the Barbarian. There is no problem. It will call In Bound
TOWER: Then. We are going to give exit to him while you call. Coming In Bound
TOWER: Barbarian 518 hurries her running to 24 and calls ready for the takeoff.
COPILOT: Hurrying the running to 24 and he will call ready to the takeoff Santa Barbara 518.
CAPTAIN: it watches cagada
COPILOT TO TOWER: the authorization Santa Barbara 518
T: Even requiring the authorization
CA: this case is going to be a peo. We are going to resetear it in flight. Already pa that case
COPILOT: we will go visual
PILOT: We are going to leave in the dark. Cone of the mother is worth! we did not see that case! I, touch nor it
PILOT: those gyroscopes were jodieron again all. The other time also yuqueamos we had to us to leave thus.
TOWER: Barbarian 518 Maiquetía I authorize 190. Direct airport 1655
COPILOT: control Maiquetía Autoriza to the Barbarian 518 Maiquetía W8 1 9 0 code transponder 1655 180 Santa Barbara 518 ready when coming out.
TOWER: received. Wind 220 with 08. Authorized to take off.
CO: authorized takeoff crushes 24 Santa Barbara 518.
CA: we do not see a cone if they are fixed we can go by line of vision, was fixed in flight
Now if we are ready.
CA: if you want dale in excess
CA: Power sit
CA: Positive
COPILOT: Get up. Takeoff.
T: Avior 1116. Traffic at the moment in air
Avior: in account 1116 this coming IN BON on lagunillas
CA: in account with information. And as information of the Barbarian we are going away to stick just a little bit more to the North mountain range companion for darte chance.
Avior: in compañerito, then account we will stay fit to the South mountain range.
CA: it goes, dale then
CO: we are going to stay WHITE BUGS + 10
PILOT: same peo the other day
COPILOT: a package the one of the units
PILOT: the other day was thus, we had to hope that they happen…
Level on 400 feet
PILOT: we are visual
PILOT: level
PILOT: if you want we turned Denis already.
JIJIJIJI (laughter
PILOT: we are going to maintain that rumbito there…. ? Ok we are going to try to maintain to 141 Denis.
Pilot Co: dale
CA: ábrete pelín to see more if this compass works. And you take punteaíto there to It. There same.
CA: there same. Déjalo There
CA: a hair more to the Denis right.
CO: To the right?
CAPTAIN: If! There
There ZERO SIX SEVEN walk looking for (067)
Alarm of land approach sounds
CAPTAIN: Denis, Denis (moment that the captain clears the airplane control to the copilot and takes the control)
COPILOT: We are in 074 truth?
TOWER: 518 in air 2 9 call to observatory passes the authorization to him?
Continuous alarm of land approach
COPILOT: THAT IS CORRECT GENTLEMAN (of fast form because the alarm activates again)
COPILOT: Aldino, Aldino. It sees, sees. It vetoes for there that we are in… ?
COPILOT: Aldino, Aldino, we are in 318, not 17. Oiste Aldino? Aldino
Alarm of low level “Terrain Terrain Pull Up Pull Up”
COPILOT: Aldino we are in 318 marico
CAPTAIN: That you want marico? To the right?
Continuous alarm of land proximity
COPILOT: Aldino for there
CAPTAIN Denis cone, by God
COPILOT: Aldino we are going to give 360 him for back. We go pa under (distressed)
CAPTAIN: Denis, by God…
Shock of the commandos
COPILOT: Aldino (desperate)
CAPTAIN: either it goes, or it goes
CAPTAIN: Calm Denis, calm
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