A Note to Our Readers

Dear Readers,
We make a special effort here to record the facts as we receive them. At times, there may be error but we do try to use our best judgement at the time of posting, and will be glad to amend any details which are proved incorrect. Furthermore, even though we do not here discuss the human cost, we realize that losing anyone in an air accident is insurmountable tragedy to individuals, families and communities. We do extend our heartfelt sympathy to those whose loss we record here. "...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for..." us all.
Meditation XVII - (with apologies to) John Donne


Emergency On Board

When you read about an on board medical emergency such as the Continental Airlines medical emergency, it does make one think about the potential for on board emergency rooms. Not only is the technology (two-way air-to-ground RDT equipment) available, it is becoming cost effective, especially considering the expense of a 525-passenger Airbus A380 making an emergency landing can cost up to $200,000. Imagine if an online emergency room could care for a critically ill individual until the flight actually reached it's destination. Or even if the equipment were only used DURING an emergency landing--it would result in a greater survival rate when a medical emergency occurs. It bears thinking about.

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