A Note to Our Readers

Dear Readers,
We make a special effort here to record the facts as we receive them. At times, there may be error but we do try to use our best judgement at the time of posting, and will be glad to amend any details which are proved incorrect. Furthermore, even though we do not here discuss the human cost, we realize that losing anyone in an air accident is insurmountable tragedy to individuals, families and communities. We do extend our heartfelt sympathy to those whose loss we record here. "...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for..." us all.
Meditation XVII - (with apologies to) John Donne


Kit Plane Crash Kills Sprint Car Driver

What: two-seater kit-built aircraft known as a VANS RV7 en route from from Darwin to Jindare Station
Where: Jindare Station airstrip about 40 kilometres south-west of Pine Creek
When: 1:30pm
Who: Territory sprintcar driver Mark Grosvenor was one of two people killed in the crash
Why: Under investigation


The Cranky ED said...

George, if you want to include a type specific aircraft picture with your postings (which would be really helpful to those who are not pilots or aviation safety researchers), you might try www.airliners.net. The reason I bring this up is that the picture you have for this crash is not even close to the kit plane that was involved in this incident. I imagine you don't wish to confuse anyone further at the distinction between a homebuilt kit aircraft and an ultralight (which is what was pictured).

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is true, we admit we have a very small pool of pictures that we use. In the meantime, we have corrected the picture (and hope this is the correct one.) Airliners.net sounds like a good resource--we will find out if this is an option for us from the powers that be.